
At Crofton Downs Primary School we have an open door policy and welcome parents to visit teachers and/or the Principal to discuss any details concerning their children or the school.

For teaching staff it is appreciated if an appointment can be made if the request is more than a quick question and answer.

We formally report to parents in the following ways:


We have a meet the teacher evening where all of the classroom parents can meet up and where the teacher will outline the programme and routines they intend to put in place.  This is followed by a question and answer time.


Parent/Teacher Conferences.  Teachers will report the results of initial testing and provide feedback about how your child is settling into the class.


Mid year written report, outlining the achievements of the students and their next learning steps. We also send home National Standards information at this point in the year.


Parent/Teacher Conferences. New test data will be shared with parents and general discussion about their learning/social progression.


End of year written reports outlining the achievements throughout the year and next steps. We also send home the final National Standards report for the year.


Parent Information Evening:

HERE are the notes from the Parent Information Evening about Reporting at Crofton Downs Primary School.  I spoke about National Standards, Reading, Writing, Mathematics and how to interpret our written reports.  At that back of the notes is a link to some really helpful PDF's.  Make sure you check these out, or you can click HERE to view them.

- Toby Stokes
